Prof. Guang Shi
(geologist and palaeontologist)
Palaeontology is very important in the understanding of evolution, biodiversity over time and extinction. Our scientist, Professor Guang Shi, has taken this study to the next level of understanding by contributing his research about marine fossilisation.
Prof. Shi was trained as a geologist and palaeontologist, and has more than 25 years research experience in these areas. He has undertaken geological fieldwork in many countries and has studied marine invertebrate fossils from many major continents.
Prof. Shi has an extensive publication record in the areas of geology, stratigraphy and palaeontology; he has also published in sedimentology, ichnology (trace fossil studies) and biogeography.
Career Highlights
Research Interests

1991: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Melbourne
1992 - 1994: ARC-funded Research Fellow, Deakin University
1995 - 2005: Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor: Deakin University
2004-2005: Associate Head of School (Research), School of Ecology and Environment, Deakin University
2006 - Present: Personal Chair (Professor in Palaeontology), Deakin University
2007: Acting Head of School, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University
2008: Acting Associate Dean (Research), Faculty of Science and Technology, Deakin University (7 months)
2009: Deputy Head of School, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University
2010: Interim Head of School, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University
2011 - 2017.1: Head of School, School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Deakin University
Palaeobiology and Palaeoecology
Biogeography and environmental change through geological time
Mass extinctions
Geology, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
Explore Fossilisation with Guang
Watch this video and learn about fossilisation explained by Gaung.

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Explore Index Fossils with Guang
Watch this video and learn about index fossils explained by Gaung.

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Explore Transitional Fossils with Guang
Watch this video and learn about transitional fossils explained by Gaung.